Holiday Schedule:All Tax Commissioner
offices will be closed Monday, February 17 for
Presidents Day. Kiosks and online services
will still be available. View the complete 2025
holiday schedule.
If you are interested in registering as a tag and title service in Gwinnett, complete the Tag/Title Service Company Registration Form and return it to the Dealer, Mail & Fleet Branch (DMF). A photocopy of your business license is required along with a photocopy of your driver’s license.
An additional requirement of a $50,000 fidelity bond is required. Pursuant to Georgia Code 40-2-25, the fidelity bond must indicate payable to, in favor of and for the protection of the Gwinnett County Tax Commissioner’s Office. You may submit the bond with your registration application, or you may opt to submit the bond after your registration application is reviewed and approved; however, the bond must be submitted to the Tax Commissioner's office and approved prior to conducting business with Gwinnett County (the original bond is required). You will be notified within 14 calendar days of the approval status of your tag and title registration application and fidelity bond.
Complete the entire tag and title service registration application to prevent any delay of your ability to conduct business with Gwinnett County. For additional information, contact DMF at 770-822-8818.
For existing tag and title services that need to update their information with Gwinnett, complete the Information Update Form.
Tag and title service representatives must make an appointment for in-person transactions and can process up to six title transactions or 12 renewals during the appointment at DMF. Tag and title service work is only processed at DMF.
Updated 10/30/2024